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// ==UserScript== // @name Facebook Wall: Clear ALL Activity from Facebook Apps/Games (also, Clear ALL Activity) // @version 1.4 // @namespace oneduality // @include http://*.facebook.com/* // @include https://*.facebook.com/* // @require http://www.tomchapin.me/auto-updater.php?id=98626 // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.3.2.min.js // // ==/UserScript== //NOTE: This was adapted from the clear recent activity code, I just updated this to suit my needs. // The original can be found at http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/92664 /** * Defaulting to jQuery 1.3.2 because of a change in browser sniffing code in jQuery 1.4 * * To get it to work with jQuery-1.4.1 and comment out the appropriate sections. * jquery-1.4.1.min.js: * [old] 36: var o=r.createElement("div");n="on"+n;var m=n in o; * [new] 36: var o=r.createElement("div");n="on"+n;var m=true; * * jquery-1.4.1.js * [old] 934: var isSupported = (eventName in el); * [old] 934: var isSupported = true; */ $ = $.noConflict(); // prevent conflicts with other libraries // Recent activity story ids: // 69 - Likes // 21 - Added a friend // 47 - Became a fan of.. // 20 - Wrote on someone elses wall // 63 - Game posts // // new Array(0, digit) should be used if for only one value, since // new Array(int) creates an empty array var whitelist = new Array(0); var button; /** * Removes all non-whitelisted activities from minifeed. * blacklist (array) - optional parameter. If defined, script will only delete posts matching specified types. */ function removeActivities(blacklist) { // Minifeed only exists on your profile page. // // This uses your ability to change your profile image to determine // if you're on the profile page. This is more reliable than parsing // the URL since it Facebook does some mangling of the URLs. if (!$('div#profileimage[class~=can_edit]')) { return; } var use_blacklist = false; if (blacklist) { use_blacklist = true }; $('li[class~="uiStreamStory"]').each( function() { var activity = $(this).find('a[class~=uiCloseButton]').each( function() { var entry = $(this); if (entry) { var url = entry.attr("ajaxify"); var story_key = url.match(/ministory_key=(d+)&/i)[1]; var story_type = url.match(/story_type=(d+)&/i)[1]; var target_id = url.match(/profile_fbid=(d+)&/i)[1]; // Delete everything we don't want to keep if (($.inArray(parseInt(story_type), whitelist) < 0 && !use_blacklist) || (use_blacklist && $.inArray(parseInt(story_type), blacklist) > -1)) { $.ajax( { type : "POST" ,url : "http://www.facebook.com/ajax/minifeed.php" // Bare minimum parameters for the request. // - DOM environment variables via Firebug ,data : { '__a' : 1 ,'profile_fbid' : unsafeWindow.Env.user ,'post_form_id' : unsafeWindow.Env.post_form_id ,'post_form_id_source' : "AsyncRequest" ,'ministory_key' : story_key ,'story_type' : story_type ,'fb_dtsg' : unsafeWindow.Env.fb_dtsg } }); $(this).closest('li').remove(); } } }); }); // end each } // removeActivities var expandTimerID = 0; var expandingPosts = false; function expandOlderPosts(init){ if(init){ expandingPosts=true; $('#expand_all_older_posts_button').html('Expanding Older Posts... Click here to stop.'); $('#expand_all_older_posts_button').unbind('click'); $('#expand_all_older_posts_button').click(function() { stopExpandingOlderPosts(); }); } clearTimeout(expandTimerID); if(!expandingPosts){ return false; } var expandJS = $('a.uiMorePagerPrimary').attr('onClick'); if(expandJS.length>0){ var d=unsafeWindow.document; var s=d.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('type','application/javascript'); s.textContent = "function evalCode(){"+expandJS+"}evalCode();"; (d.body||d.head||d.documentElement).appendChild(s); s.parentNode.removeChild(s); } expandTimerID = setTimeout ( function(){expandOlderPosts();}, 1000 ); } function stopExpandingOlderPosts(){ expandingPosts = false; clearTimeout(expandTimerID); // Third button $('#expand_all_older_posts_button').html('Expand ALL Older Posts'); $('#expand_all_older_posts_button').unbind('click'); $('#expand_all_older_posts_button').click(function() { expandOlderPosts(true); }); } /** * Buttons for on demand deleting. */ function createButtons() { if (!button) { button = document.createElement("div"); button.innerHTML = "
Remove ALL Activity Remove ALL Activity from Facebook Apps/Games Expand ALL Older Posts
"; $(button).insertBefore($('#profile_stream_blankstate')); // First button $('#remove_all_activity_button').click(function() { if (confirm("Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete ALL activity?")){ removeActivities(); } }); // Second button $('#remove_all_facebook_game_activity_button').click(function() { if (confirm("Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete ALL facebook app and game activity?")){ var blacklist = new Array(0, 63); removeActivities(blacklist); } }); // Third button $('#expand_all_older_posts_button').click(function() { expandOlderPosts(true); }); } } // Wait for the content to be loaded if (!unsafeWindow.frameElement) { GM_registerMenuCommand("Remove ALL Activity", function() { removeActivities(); }); GM_registerMenuCommand("Remove ALL Activity from Facebook Apps/Games", function() { var blacklist = new Array(0, 63); removeActivities(blacklist); }); GM_registerMenuCommand("Expand ALL Older Posts", function() { expandOlderPosts(); }); var contentCheck = setInterval( function() { // '==' lacks transivity, use '===' for 0 or null checks if (typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined') { unsafeWindow = window; } if ($('#content').get(0)) { clearInterval(contentCheck); } createButtons(); }, 200); // Check every 200ms } // end frame check

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